Monthly update from our CEO, Esther
This month we are excited to share the rebrand with members over email before the official launch at the AGM. It’s a refresh of the current brand in line with the strategic aims of supporting as many members as possible. We have consulted with a working group and with members along the way and we hope that you like it. I am personally going to be buying the hoodies for family Christmas presents!
As a small team, refreshing everything will take a while - please bear with us. We are excited to have materials to distribute in the community once more and for you to have these materials at your disposal for your network too. As a vital service for members, we hope to tackle the website in the future but that is dependent on funds at present.
We also have a dream of getting some new parent boxes together for hospitals to store (feedback has been that leaflets often don’t get passed over or if they do, they get lost!) but again this is down to securing funding so if you have any contacts that may be interested in supporting that project, please let us know.
I hope to see as many of you as possible at Chatterbox for our music-themed event and then at the AGM on the 21st.